90 Miles From Tyranny : Democrats Rely On Lies And Deceit, Pandering And Backstabbing...

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Democrats Rely On Lies And Deceit, Pandering And Backstabbing...

1 comment:

  1. The post at this link is a bit longer, but well worth the read too -- https://www.facebook.com/kjhamilton24/posts/10157300348757918

    A taste:

    "This movement is suppose to be for me? All this rioting and protesting is suppose to support me and the black community? You guys are doing this to show your love and support to blacks?

    If this is the way you guys want to show support and love, then count me out. I never want people to fear me because of a movement that's "supposedly" supporting me and my kind. You guys are saying "black lives matter" and I am here saying "all lives matter". You want to retaliate with "yes all lives matter, but right now it's about black lives", then I say this:

    If you think that going around and causing fear is a solution for black lives, you're wrong. It's only adding to the problem. Fear is what started this, and what these protesters are doing is only making things worse. I never want people to fear me because of the color of my skin. I never want people to feel uncomfortable because I'm black. FEAR IS NOT THE WAY TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. It only makes this situation worse for everyone.

    If you think that making one race a priority over another right now is the solution, then I say that only makes things harder. We can't make other races feel guilty or bad or LESS in hopes that they will start treating the "priority" race better. IT WON'T. And this will forever be an ongoing issue as we rotate different "lives" that matter the most "at this time."


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