90 Miles From Tyranny : EXPOSED: City of Seattle Forces White Employees to Undergo Marxist Re-Education Training

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

EXPOSED: City of Seattle Forces White Employees to Undergo Marxist Re-Education Training

This is creepy racist stuff from the Left.

Journalist Christopher F. Rufo of City Journal has retrieved documents showing the Marxist re-education training that white government employees in the city of Seattle were forced to attend.

Core American concepts such as “objectivity” and “individualism” were classified as “internalized racial superiority” and demonized during the training.

White employees were told to accept an increased possibility for physical harm, a willingness to lose all control, and a potential loss of employment as a way of “undoing” their whiteness.

They produced additional propaganda in order to further convince the white employees to hate themselves for their skin color.

The white employees were instructed to alienate friends and family while belligerently proselytizing their new dogma, a tactic regularly used by cults on their new victims.

Rufo is pushing to get the videos of the diversity training from the city in order to figure out which individuals and groups were paid with taxpayer money to administer the marxist re-education:

Read More HERE


  1. If you're a white person living in Seattle and you haven't left yet -- what the hell are you waiting for?

  2. Used to work for the State, and once had to go through mandatory diversity training with about 200 other folks, which was conducted by some gay guy from Pakistan or India. Seriously thought I was going to get fired when I started arguing with that idiot, asking him what made him come to the greatest freest nation on Earth to tell us what racist sexist homophobic monsters we all were and that we needed to do better, instead of taking that nonsensical BS back to his shit-hole of a country and see how long it took the locals to cut his fucking head off or to toss his ass off the tallest building they hadn't yet destroyed themselves. Told him there was a reason he was here in the States and not back home trying to raise the consciousness of his primate neighbors and relatives, and that it was most likely due to the fact that he knew that here we weren't going to kill him for simply being gay and annoying. He didn't seem to appreciate being called out on his stupidity, but as this was several years before the advent of cancel culture, I miraculously wasn't fired. God, I hated that job.

  3. But, but, but. From my personal life experiences, I truly feel that whites are superior in many aspects. Mainly in intelligence and impulse control (just to name a few). Colored folks seem to excel at running and jumping (looting and killing their own are up there as well). Your mileage may vary.

  4. You will need to dedicate newer and powerful computers to the training is the course has graphics, sound or video. Don't make the mistake of using old castoff computers as your training computers. That will just make your trainees frustrated. cyber security hyderabad


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