90 Miles From Tyranny : Indiana woman charged for mail in voter fraud, delivered 400 ballots with Democrat box prechecked

Friday, July 3, 2020

Indiana woman charged for mail in voter fraud, delivered 400 ballots with Democrat box prechecked

Just a couple days after finding out Democrat officials in New Jersey were charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots, we have a woman charged in Indiana with mail in voter fraud. 

This individual in Indiana delivered mail in ballot applications with 400 of these mail in ballots being prechecked Democrat before delivery. 

With multiple individuals now being charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots for Democrat officials or prechecked mail in ballots marked Democrat, you have to wonder if the Democrat establishment set themselves up for a trap with this mail in ballot harvesting agenda...As we are starting to see multiple Democrats now being charged in America for election fraud involving mail in ballots. 

This likely won't be the last time over a span of a few days where Democrats get charged for election fraud involving mail in ballots, but Democrats like Pelosi and their media will continue to claim there is nothing to worry about with...

Read More HERE


  1. So what were the source of the ballots? Was she paid? Follow the money.

  2. She was just stupid. There was no reason to deliver them to the voter at all. Just mark them and return them to the vote office. On a totally unrelated note, the postal employees union, the people who would be responsible fo delivering ballots both ways, has just endorsed Biden.


    1. Lol so your telling us how to do it? I'm a Postmastet over more then 200 employees and very few endorse Biden.and will be looking for any suspicious mail ballots.most postal employees are Americans first. And know how Detrimental Democrats are to this Country.

  3. That is a woman????


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