90 Miles From Tyranny : Marxist Teachers, Leave Our Kids Alone!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Marxist Teachers, Leave Our Kids Alone!

Communists Should Not Be Allowed To Teach Our Children.


  1. They didn't used to. Communists were not allowed to teach in California until the 70s.

  2. odd how they all appear the same age...

  3. Should have all their teaching credentials pulled and forbidden to be around children in any capacity and be registered much like a sex offender that follows them around and having to re-register every time they move.

  4. These people are dangerous and have chosen to serve a violent faction Antifa, so they should be release from their jobs and possibly charged as these people could have done harm to others and their property.

  5. Anti-fa are a foriegn terrorist organization, these people need to be held in Guantanamo until the War of Evermore is over.

  6. These people need to be treated like the seditionists and traitors they are. What the hell is wrong with this country that we allow our enemies to live and work among us?

  7. Do a reverse image search. That pic is from Portland but back in May of 2017 and none of them are teachers as far as I can find out. False info doesn't help our credibility.


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