90 Miles From Tyranny : Seattle Riot: Police Arrest 25 After ‘Explosives’ Thrown at Officers

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Seattle Riot: Police Arrest 25 After ‘Explosives’ Thrown at Officers

The Seattle Police Department declared a riot and arrested 25 people after “explosives” were thrown at officers when a protest turned violent in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood on Saturday.

FOX 10 reports:

Up to 1,000 protesters gathered about 2 p.m. Saturday for a peaceful march in solidarity with unrest and violent demonstrations in Portland. By 4 p.m., crowds had broken away from the protest, setting fires to construction trailers at the Juvenile Detention Center and attacking camera crews. […]

Police reported multiple explosions in the area and multiple fires, including one inside the East Precinct, where rioters breached a security fence to vandalize the building. Police are investigating “possible explosive damage” to the walls of the East Precinct and more explosives being thrown at police.Seattle police said the protesters were arrested for assaults on officers, obstruction, and failure to disperse. Prior to announcing the arrests, police shared a photo of flammable objects being hurled at officers.

Q13FOX correspondent Simone Del Rosario and others shared photos and video of protesters clashing with officers, along with images of heavily damaged buildings in the area.

Shortly after, Q13FOX reporter Brandi Kruse also shared footage of a nearby Starbucks, which was destroyed after it was set ablaze:

Read More HERE


  1. I keep reading about "peaceful protests" with violence.
    "Peaceful" - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  2. we have family in portland and tacoma. best wishes for them and UPS'd some spare ammo to them both. funny how frantic anti gunners get when their children become at risk. not criticizing. not a bit. sent a bunch of 5.56mm 1st reloads with so stout loads. both families have carbines now. need more practice I say...


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