90 Miles From Tyranny : When You Make It About Tribes, It Becomes About Tribes...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

When You Make It About Tribes, It Becomes About Tribes...


  1. "....when the Nazis come"? The Nazis are there! --Ron W

  2. No, the communists are there, learn the difference, do deep research.

  3. This makes me think of all the experiments run during Woodstock. Experiments that helped destroy good intentions and introduced corruption on a grand scale to our naive generation. I am SO GLAD I decided to stay home that weekend. I had a puppy and was more concerned about it than a big party.

    But CHOP is an experiment, no doubt about it. There will be more test runs...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There entire argument resting upon racism. When racism could not be found they had to manufacture it to maintain sense of self. Racism itself rests upon collectivism. Collectivism places the tribe (state) superior to the individual. Freedom exists only as the state allows. Those who expressed individualism became dangerous to the tribe. The true reality of their crime of individualism is irrelevant, it is what the state says it is.

    Such a construct always implodes.

  6. And so the BLM "movement" is revealed to be an initiative for transforming decent men into racists and fomenting inter-racial animosity. Whoda thunk it?


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