90 Miles From Tyranny : Anna Paulina Luna - Crist Slayer!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Anna Paulina Luna - Crist Slayer!

Florida's Turncoat Democrat Representative Charlie Crist’s conservative Latina challenger pulls no punches in defense of Second Amendment


  1. Crist, former republican, isn't dead yet? Those queers never seem to die. I wonder of Barney will try to become a senator or congressman again. Or is he out without access to page boys? That's probably all Crist wants though. Bleh.

    Then again? The difference between a gay ex-republican and a woman? On the real political ideals? There... just isn't much difference. And women are much easier to control, if queers simply don't even try to be good or right. So... whatever.

  2. I hope she wins.....we need something to offset the atrociously bad looks of pelosi and waters....what is it about democrat women that makes them do fkn' butt ugly.....


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