90 Miles From Tyranny : Photo Of Domestic Terrorists Trying To Blind Police Officers...

Friday, August 7, 2020

Photo Of Domestic Terrorists Trying To Blind Police Officers...

An Eye For An Eye?


  1. It's way past time for live ammo.

  2. That's some serious crap, that. This whole thing has little or nothing to do with George Floyd. Just a bunch of home-grown terrorists finding a "cause" to conflate and inflate.

  3. Deadly Force: the force a person uses causing, or that a person knows or should know, creates a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm.
    Blindness = serious bodily harm
    Ergo lasers to the eyes = deadly force and should be met with the same level of force in self defense.

  4. Without a doubt this is a shopped image. A laser passing through a space with no visible smoke, haze, mist, or fog, would have to be powerful enough to burn holes through solid brick in order for its beam to be visible in daylight. Maybe there have been attempts to blind officers with lasers, but this is not evidence of that.

  5. One .50 making a head explode would end this shit.

  6. EvilSnackFriday, August 07, 2020

    Without a doubt this is a shopped image. A laser passing through a space with no visible smoke, haze, mist, or fog, would have to be powerful enough to burn holes through solid brick in order for its beam to be visible in daylight. Maybe there have been attempts to blind officers with lasers, but this is not evidence of that.

    -- um, not trolling, but all the lit up signage in the background suggests it's at least dusk, and if you've seen any other photos of the insurgents, there is plenty of smoke and particulate in the air from all the fires, smoke grenades, etc, and even if not, I've been plenty of places where the evening air had enough moisture and particulate to light up like that.

    We know from other reports that they have blinded two officers, and tried to blind a homeowner last night.

    In other words, definitely plausible, and way more effort to fake than just taking the picture.


    (the blown out white sky is typical of what my phone's camera does when taking night shots btw, I've got lots of low light photos with white sky in the background.)

    1. It's real. In Chile, last year. Research before spouting.

  7. Life, limb, or eyesight, I'm shooting.

  8. Who cares if it's photo-shopped or not? It's still time to start using force against these dirtystinkingcommieratbastards.


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