90 Miles From Tyranny : ‘F**k the white people!’: BLM activists terrorize diners in Pittsburgh, steal drinks, scream obscenities

Monday, September 7, 2020

‘F**k the white people!’: BLM activists terrorize diners in Pittsburgh, steal drinks, scream obscenities

With polling showing support for Black Lives Matter tanking faster than television ratings of the LeBron James-led NBA playoffs, activists in the movement marked the Memorial Day weekend by terrorizing white people Saturday in Pittsburgh, Pa.

After more than three months of so-called racial injustice protests orchestrated by Black Lives Matter, protesters are falling back on radical civil disobedience in order to draw attention, and for the second time in as many days diners were set upon by the mob.

As seen in the video below, a BLM activist with a bullhorn is screaming at white diners sitting outside a restaurant.

“You are an embarrassment!” he yells.

Another militant walked right up to the table of an elderly white couple and said, “F*ck 12 and the f*ck white people who built the system …!”

(“12” being a reference to law enforcement.)

He concluded his verbal assault by laughing in their face, before flipping them off as he walked away.

That spectacle was followed by a large woman boldly walking up and taking a beer off the table and chugging it.
The radical activist was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the message “Nazi Lives Don’t Matter”

Of course, being a Trump supporter is enough for the left to tag you as a Nazi, and as was seen last week in Portland, being a supporter of the president can get you killed in post-Obama America.

As BLM protesters marched in the street behind them chanted, “No justice, no peace,” the thug who verbally assaulted the elderly white couple is seen slamming his hand on a table next to them. Glasses sitting on the table broke as they fell to...

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  1. I realize that the chances of this happening to a red city will be small in comparison (as of now anyway). But I have come to a point where if I ever encountered this, I would not back down, and I would go batshit on them. I would yell about how Marxist they are, how racist they are, and how much they are pieces of shit. Sure they try to drown me out. Sure I might even risk limb, reputation, and even my life. But I look at how much they’re trying to take control of my life, and I will not let that happen. I look at my own life right now, and really, what do I have to lose?

    1. I'm thinking if they get up into my face, they may find out what a fork is used for.

    2. You sort of beat me to it a fork in the eye should stop it.

  2. Excuse me for saying so, but I've been attacked by this same type of "protest" before in the 70s during the campus riots. The people yelling at you are actual cultists. They are hypnotized zealots who enjoy bullying people. You can't argue with them because they reject logical argument. Yelling at them shows you reacted to their bullying and got you upset which is their entire project. That's why it's called "agitation". Smile, say "BLM rules" and put up your arm. Then go work for the Trump campaign and/or try to change a Democrat district into a red one to make these Aholes cry.

    1. Are you on crack? By putting up your arm, you are showing that you are agreeing with them. Fuck that. I would never give these people the satisfaction. They may be cultists, but they are more snowflake bullies who need to have their lessons learned. The more people stand up to them, the more they can be laughed out of oblivion.

      We’ve done all we can to “work for the Trump campaign” or work for red districts. You honestly that would stop these aholes from continuing to burn things down to the ground.

      From what I’ve seen on videos from conservative blacks who are tired of this shit, they know the rioters stay the hell away from them. They are spineless cowards pretending to be bullies. That’s why when they get in your face, you need to get back at them twice as hard. Stand up to them. “Sue CNN.” You never let down like that.

    2. Well, too much caffeine perhaps. Your reaction is just what they want and yes, these twats will go away after the election - if Trump is re-elected the DHS will infiltrate and disassemble the militant scum balls just as the FBI did to the radicals in the 60s. So scream and yell all you want - it does nothing except maybe making you feel like a hero and making the bullies laugh watching your blood pressure go off the charts.

    3. You can make all the crappy garbage you want to about me having too much caffeine. I have every right to be pissed. I’ll bet you anything it will not go away even when Trump gets re-elected. If that were the case, why hasn’t it gone away NOW with everything Trump has done already? Bullies will only continue to bully when you SUBMIT or apologize. That’s how it work. Look at Ted Wheeler. Look at Mitt Romney. Look at Laura Ingraham for crying out loud. If you stand up to the bullies, THEY are the ones that look like the fools. And you’re the one that will look like a fool as well by bending over and saying, “Thank you sir, may I have another?”

    4. https://ninetymilesfromtyranny.blogspot.com/2020/08/only-cucks-submit.html

    5. What’s the matter? Got nothing else to say, you cuck?

  3. These commies want a war of extermination.
    They may well get it.

    1. Smith and Wesson is at max' production and can not meet the demand !

  4. BLM, you don't like to be treated by the law ? Then stop acting like an asshole and stealing shit.


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