90 Miles From Tyranny : How an Extreme Leftist Ideology Has Gone Mainstream

Saturday, September 12, 2020

How an Extreme Leftist Ideology Has Gone Mainstream

A high school classmate of mine, an honor roll student and leader back then, long known for her objectivity, sent a compelling letter to a handful of friends. She gave me permission to anonymously reprint her insightful letter, which I slightly modified only for length:

Hello friends, 2020 is such an important election year, I want to share my thoughts with people I believe share my concerns about a possible Donald Trump loss.

In November, we will not be choosing between two old men from our traditional parties. It will be a fight between the cornerstone of our democracy – free-market capitalism – and an extreme-left ideology that has gone mainstream, driven by a confluence of developments:

1) The rise of Black Lives Matter. Many ‘woke’ young people and suburbanites protest so that they can feel good about themselves and ‘atone’ for their whiteness. Most of them don't know that the three founders of BLM are self-proclaimed Marxists whose agenda is to tear down and remake our country.

2) People with far-left beliefs. "The Squad" and others like them have achieved positions of power in the federal government

3) The emergence of Cancel Culture. We see the rise of cancel culture causing censorship at our universities and in the media, and targeting individuals who stray, even in a minor way, from extreme leftist doctrine.

4) A growing entitlement mentality. A large number of the young, ‘entitled’ generation seek radical change. Some are now in positions of power in business and in government (i.e., journalists, mayors, and city council members for instance, who seek to defund the police).

5) A decline in homogeneity. In a few decades, Caucasians will be in the minority. As any population becomes more heterogeneous, widely held, shared values fade away. Hence, what it means to be an American, passed down from "The Greatest Generation," will dissipate. Picture Minnesota's Ilhan Omar running things.

6) A sprawling Antifa movement. Despite their new, official status as domestic terrorists, or because of it, Antifa in the U.S. is gaining more prominence and influence.

7) A complicit media. The U.S. mainstream media is completely in league with far-leftist aims, insists Antifa isn't a threat to domestic tranquility, and covers for BLM leaders who are advocating for...

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