90 Miles From Tyranny : Is China Backing the Rioters in Our Streets?

Friday, September 18, 2020

Is China Backing the Rioters in Our Streets?

A Heritage Foundation report makes clearer what we should have suspected all along.

The Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal website earlier this week produced a bombshell report that contained information more shocking than surprising; namely, that there is a significant connection between the official Black Lives Matter organization and the Chinese Communist Party:

One of the co-founders of the official Black Lives Matter group, Alicia Garza, is reportedly partnering up with a Chinese organization that has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party — and that group now appears to be funding one of Garza’s ventures, according to an investigation by the Daily Signal.
Garza is one of several co-founders of the official “Black Lives Matter” group, and in 2018, she launched a project called “Black Futures Lab,” which aims, its website says, to help activists in the black community maintain interest in civic participation and civic activism year-round. The group “gathers information about the ways that policy affects Black communities and one that uses that information creatively to educate and challenge policymakers.” It also lobbies on behalf of BLM’s interests at the local level.
The Daily Signal’s Mike Gonzalez, though, discovered that donations to the Black Futures Lab don’t seem to go directly to the foundation itself but rather to a group called the “Chinese Progressive Association” — a group that has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

“According to an authoritative 2009 Stanford University paper tracing its early days to the present, and which can be found on Marxist.org, ‘The CPA began as a Leftist, pro-People’s Republic of China organization, promoting awareness of mainland China’s revolutionary thought and workers’ rights, and dedicated to self-determination, community control, and “serving the people,” ’ ” Gonzales reports.

“To this day, the CPA continues to be a partner of the PRC in the United States. Three years ago, the Boston chapter teamed up with China’s Consulate General in New York to offer Chinese nationals the opportunity to renew their passports, getting praise from China’s official mouthpiece, China Daily,” he continues. It also helped raise the Chinese flag over Boston City Hall to honor the anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s takeover of China.

“It is clear, then, that CPA works with China’s communist government, pushes its agenda here in the United States, and is regularly praised by China’s state-owned mouthpieces,” Gonzalez says. “It is clear, too, from, this perspective, why the CPA would sponsor a new enterprise by Garza: They espouse the same desire for world communism.”
Garza called herself a “trained Marxist,” though she didn’t outline who provided her with her Marxist training.

Three months ago at the Epoch Times, Trevor Loudon offered a good bit of evidence that Chinese influence in organizations supporting the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests in various cities around the country is real and pervasive.

Loudon’s report focused on a pair of organizations, both formerly named Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which originated from remnants of Maoist outfits like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, Revolutionary Communist Party, League of Revolutionary Struggle, Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist), Communist Workers Party, and others. The smaller of the two, FRSO-FightBack!, has material ties to terrorist organizations and was in fact the target of...

Read More HERE


  1. Really? Who finally turned the porch light on! Regular folks knew this instinctively for MONTHS.

  2. Why would anyone be surprised? Good, bad or indifferent, the US support for the Hong Kong protests doesn't sit well with China. I guess what goes around comes around.

  3. why will it take 2yrs for Barr to figure this out?

  4. Man.....anyone who knows anything about the Cultural Revolution knows where fhis crap is coming from.


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