90 Miles From Tyranny : Just In Case You Were Confused If BLM Was A Revolutionary Communist Movement...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Just In Case You Were Confused If BLM Was A Revolutionary Communist Movement...


  1. I'm a trained AMERICAN PATRIOT!

  2. It is so nice to have people declare themselves your sworn enemy. That makes it so much easier to pick out the correct ones when it is time to drag them out into the field and hang them for sedition.

  3. The government spent a few million on my training... You wouldn't sleep at night if you knew what me and many like me know....

    1. I’d rather know. I already don’t sleep well.

    2. Thank you for your service sir. I have many physicals injuries but my finger still works quite well and will always have your 6 as well as our first responders. I ain't as good as I once was but I am as good once as I ever was.


Test Word Verification