90 Miles From Tyranny : Teach Your Children Well!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Teach Your Children Well!


  1. What a stupid leftist video!!!! What the Fuck?????

  2. 43GPW If you didn’t catch on to this post maybe it’s because you’re still eating Tide pods !

  3. I just watched this video, and yes, it obviously has a left-leaning slant. That said, I do realize that protest and dissent are essential aspects of American exceptionalism. I believe "left/right" is a false paradigm and the real battleground is "national vs globalist". So, I must ask you, SON of REEP, are you against Patriotic education on principle, or, just because Trump proposed it?

    1. Were you even born when this song was released in 1969 ? If you read Graham Nash’s autobiography you’ll find out his inspiration for the song “Teach your Children” Oh that’s right you kiddies today don’t have to go to the library and entertain the Dewey Decimal System You can just look it up on the old inter-web

    2. For the record, I was born in 1955 and have adult grandchildren; thanks for incorrectly identifying me as one of the "Kiddies". I have been an avid reader all of my life. Again, I have a question for you, Son of Reep; did you even read my first response? I think we can all agree that "Teach your children" is a great song. Also, I did comment that protest and dissent are a necessary part of the American experience. Where I fault the video is attempting to link the modern Communist led BLM movement with other protest movements from our history.


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