90 Miles From Tyranny : Associated Press Redefines Packing the Supreme Court as ‘Depoliticizing’ It

Monday, October 12, 2020

Associated Press Redefines Packing the Supreme Court as ‘Depoliticizing’ It

The Associated Press described Democrats’ proposal to “pack” the Supreme Court with liberal justices in new seats as merely an effort to “depoliticize” it in a report on Saturday.

For more than a year, Democrats have proposed “packing” the Supreme Court by adding more justices, increasing the total from the current nine to at least eleven, and then filling the seats with liberals.

Those calls have become louder and more intense in the days since the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), have refused to say whether they would pack the courts. On Friday, Biden went further, telling an interviewer that voters do not deserve to know his view before the election.

Court-packing is traditionally unpopular — so much so that Democrats opposed the idea when their own president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposed it in the 1930s.

Left-wing pundits have attempted to reframe the issue as merely “depoliticizing” the existing court.

The AP article in question was about the Senate race between Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) and incumbent Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT). The issue of court-packing came up during...

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