90 Miles From Tyranny : Barbie Goes Woke, Preaches on Racism and White Privilege With Her Friend Nikki In New Vlog

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Barbie Goes Woke, Preaches on Racism and White Privilege With Her Friend Nikki In New Vlog

I Think I'll call this "racesplaining"

ABC is reporting that ‘Barbie’ used her YouTube channel to talk about racism and white privilege with her friend Nikki. Nikki is Barbie’s first black best friend and joined the doll line up back in 1996.

The vlog post has millions of views now and as you might expect is receiving massive amounts of praise by the left.

But, I have a major question: Why is Barbie talking to kids about racism and white privilege? Isn’t this a subject that should be up to the parents to explain to their children?

Hypothetically, my daughter logs on to see the latest accessories for her Barbie, and she gets inundated with the idea that because she is a white child, people assume that she hates those that don’t look like her. Also, because of the color of her skin, she inherently has an advantage over those with different skin tones.

Apparently, the people at Mattel think Barbie is the appropriate avenue to teach children these lessons. Because I am surely not going to teach my children that they should feel wrong about the color of...

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  1. It's up to you to explain Barbie's relationship with GI Joe while Ken is one of her "friends".

  2. Ignore Barbie, she is white and her opinions about racism are irrelevant as she has no lived experience of racism and so should STFU. Isn't that what BLM keep telling us?

  3. See. Here is proof of systemic racism. Only it's not coming from the direction we're being told it is.


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