90 Miles From Tyranny : Black Lives Matter Attack The Suburbs: Homes Vandalized, Windows Smashed in Wauwatosa

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Black Lives Matter Attack The Suburbs: Homes Vandalized, Windows Smashed in Wauwatosa

Black Lives Matter "peaceful protesters" were filmed peacefully terrorizing the suburbs late Wedneday night in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin in response to a non-indictment of a Black police officer who shot and killed a Black assailant that reportedly fired a gun at him.

The rioters were earlier filmed shining lights into people's homes:

They also formed a "massive caravan" and "peacefully" blasted their horns through residential neighborhoods as terrified residents were forced to hunker down:

One resident was seen berating the protesters for attacking the homes of so-called allies:

The peaceful protesters were filmed looting a gas station to demand justice for Whatshisname:

Read More HERE


  1. Thank God I live in a State where the Castle Doctrine is embraced by local law enforcement.

  2. Yes, but did they smash the windows with a peaceful intent ?

  3. 200 BLM tried that here in Shelton Wash. About 3 weeks ago, they were met by police and 1000 armed citizens lining the streets. A kind " Keep moving" was spoken. Guess what? Nothing happened and blm was escorted out. Pray for this nation.

  4. Apparently some useful idiots are claiming that no rioters harassed citizens in their homes because "there were no reports" of residential areas being targeted. Of course there were no reports in the media. The MSM have been accomplices in these riots and wouldn't dare do anything to hurt the narrative.


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