90 Miles From Tyranny : Co-Chair Of Biden's Transition Team Reportedly Helped Arrange Meeting With Chinese Elites In Obama's White House

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Co-Chair Of Biden's Transition Team Reportedly Helped Arrange Meeting With Chinese Elites In Obama's White House

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, together with Kazakhstan’s former prime minister, Karim Massimov, at far right.

Thanks to revelations in the treasure trove of emails from Hunter Biden’s now-notorious laptop and extensive research into just how connected Joe Biden and his family are to Communist China, it should come as no surprise that the co-chair for Biden’s 2020 transition team once hosted a group of Chinese elites — thanks to urging by some of Hunter Biden’s associates — in the Obama White House in 2011.

As Breitbart reported, Jeff Zients — who currently works as co-chair of the Biden transition team — in 2011 worked in the Obama-Biden administration as Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and was likely responsible for a meeting in the White House at the time between Joe Biden and a group of ultra-wealthy Chinese businesspeople known as the Chinese Entrepreneurs Club.

While the meeting wasn’t exactly news in 2011, it became smoking hot news this week in the wake of emails publishes this week by Breitbart senior contributor Peter Schweizer, who was given permission to post tens of thousands of emails from one of Hunter Biden’s old business partners who’s currently serving time in...

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1 comment:

  1. Jesus, Mary & Joseph, can we just push this crew of ne'er do wells down a flight of stairs already?


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