90 Miles From Tyranny : Virginia Public School District Wants Teachers to Enforce ‘Woke’ Revolution, or Else

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Virginia Public School District Wants Teachers to Enforce ‘Woke’ Revolution, or Else

What has gotten into the water in Virginia?

The commonwealth has quickly gone from a purple-state battleground to embracing a kind of left-wing extremism that makes California seem almost normal by comparison.

The latest insanity comes from Loudoun County, where the school board is set to vote on a radical new code of conduct policy that is akin to something you may see in the defunct Soviet Union or in Communist China.

It should be noted that it was reported in late September that Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools paid Ibram X. Kendi, a leading purveyor of critical race theory, $23,000 to give a one-hour lecture to its staff.

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Kendi is the author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” whose ideas, ironically, sound a lot like racism and encourage ruthless tyranny to boot.

Loudoun is keeping up with neighboring Fairfax County by not only wasting tens of thousands of dollars to have Kendi deliver brief lectures to staff, but is actually paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to have “diversity consultants” implement some of his ideas.

Loudoun’s proposed new policy, which will be put up to a vote in the school board on Oct. 12, will essentially enforce critical race theory in the public and private lives of teachers and school staff through a code of conduct.

According to a draft of a policy, “Any comments that are not in alignment with the school division’s commitment to action-oriented equity practices” will be subject to punishment.

“The proposed change would cover all communication by Loudoun County Schools’ employees, on campus or off, by telephone, in person, or on social media,” according to a report from West Nova News.

In addition, any kind of speech perceived as “undermining the views, positions, goals, policies or public statements” of Superintendent Eric Williams or the school board will...

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  1. I like in VA and I can’t believe how quickly the state has imploded. I’m actually thinking of moving to my home state of MA where the schools are more traditional, if you can believe that.

  2. I like in VA and I can’t believe how quickly the state has imploded. I’m actually thinking of moving to my home state of MA where the schools are more traditional, if you can believe that.

  3. I like in VA and I can’t believe how quickly the state has imploded. I’m actually thinking of moving to my home state of MA where the schools are more traditional, if you can believe that.


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