90 Miles From Tyranny : 2-4 Hour Lines Outside Supermarkets Due to New Mexico Gov’s Lockdown

Sunday, November 29, 2020

2-4 Hour Lines Outside Supermarkets Due to New Mexico Gov’s Lockdown

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) has put immense pressure on businesses with her “abrupt” lockdown order – forcing “nonessential” businesses to close and creating what has been dubbed “modern breadlines” — with people waiting 2-4 hours to enter essential retailers, former GOP Senate candidate Elisa Martinez explained during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Martinez, a former U.S. Senate candidate and Trump campaign surrogate, said that there has been a lot of downward pressure on the economy and people of New Mexico due to “ridiculous mandates” pushed by the governor, imposing some of the “strictest lockdowns” in the country. Martinez discussed the governor’s “abrupt” November 13 announcement, which put residents under another lockdown, closing businesses deemed nonessential.


The lockdown, which went into effect November 16, created a “huge rush to all of the stores,” which Martinez said was “very counterintuitive if the idea is to stop the in-person contact.”

The governor ultimately capped capacity in retail stores to 75 people, regardless of size.

“So now we’re experiencing 2-4 hour lines outside in the cold — some areas of the state it’s snowing, raining,” she said.

“I had an elderly woman contact me. She was waiting in line for two hours to get their meds — to get their, you know, essential medicine. So it’s making a public health emergency worse in my opinion for the people of New Mexico, especially leading up to Thanksgiving,” she said:

The issues were further compounded, she said, “by the fact that she also declared that if you have four rapid response coronavirus tests that came back in one of these essential businesses, that the whole business, the whole store, had to shut down.”

That resulted in at least 12 stores across the state closing “in these smaller communities.” She added that it is “all up to the whims of the governor to declare what is essential and not.”

Lujan Grisham’s order ultimately put pressure on mom and pop stores, she continued, explaining that Democrat governors are “enriching corporate empires like Amazon and Walmart.” All the while, Hollywood productions are allowed to...

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  1. I used to say, hey they voted for that POS but now, ya gotta wonder if in fact they did. Now NM is heavily hispanic but the Latinos in FL and TX get it.

  2. Considering that the masks do not, repeat "do not" impede the flow (with inhalation and exhalation) of viruses, is the Governor guilty of murder (actual definition) inducing all those people to stand in rank and file and breathe upon one another.

  3. That's why she is known as Wuhan Luhan.

  4. Might as well just break into a market in the middle of the night If you happen to get caught they’ll have to turn you loose because you might get COVID-19 in jail

  5. Just RUSH the place. Y'all go in. They don't have a jail big enough for all of you.

  6. Just RUSH the place. Y'all go in. They don't have a jail big enough for all of you.


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