90 Miles From Tyranny : China uses microwave weapons to blast Indian troops in disputed border region...

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

China uses microwave weapons to blast Indian troops in disputed border region...

The radiation technology left soldiers vomiting and incapacitated without breaking no-live-shots rule

An Indian army convoy carrying reinforcements and supplies drives towards a highway bordering China

China got round a no-live-shots agreement during a border stand-off in the Himalayas by deploying microwave weapons to “cook” enemy troops from India, a Beijing-based academic has claimed.

The Chinese military used “high-energy electromagnetic radiation” technology to effectively turn “two strategic hilltops that had been occupied by Indian soldiers into a microwave oven”, The Times reports.

The attack left the Indian troops “vomiting” and unable to stand within 15 minutes, enabling the People’s Liberation Army to “retake two strategically important hilltops in the Himalayas without any exchange of live fire”, according to Jin Canrong, a professor of international relations at China’s Renmin University.

The acadamic told attendees at a recent lecture that China didn’t publicise the victory, in late August, “because we solved the problem beautifully”.

“They [India] didn’t publicise it, either, because they lost so miserably,” he added.

The two sides have been locked in a border dispute in...

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