90 Miles From Tyranny : Cooperate with China or World War 3: Kissinger

Monday, November 23, 2020

Cooperate with China or World War 3: Kissinger

China is aggressive and militant at this moment because of the nature of its communist regime, which is quickly driving the country back to one-man rule and totalitarianism. 

  • [I]n a little over 14 minutes Kissinger managed to totally misinterpret Chinese history, support Beijing's most important foreign policy goal, and give deeply misguided advice to Joe Biden. Kissinger has evidently learned nothing from years of dangerous Chinese behavior, which is partly the result of his policy formulations.
  • China's troubled past, in short, is an excuse. What, after all, is it in history that justifies present-day Chinese aggression against India, Bhutan and Nepal, or its designs on Tajikistan, the Philippines and Malaysia? Moreover, what justification is there for the Communist Party's declaration of a "people's war" on the United States in May of last year?
  • Xi Jinping, the one man in China's system, is now propagating the audacious concept of tianxia, that "all under heaven" owe allegiance to Beijing.
  • There are, unfortunately, some points in history when dialogue makes matters worse because hardline leaders perceive others' desire to talk as a sign of weakness.
  • What is the best indication that Kissinger is wrong? Beijing at the moment is waging a concerted propaganda campaign to push his views as widely as possible. When your enemy wants you to do something, it is almost always not in your interest.
"I would think we need first of all a dialogue with the Chinese leadership in which we are defining what we're attempting to prevent and in which the two leaders agree that whatever other conflicts they have they will not resort to military conflict," Henry Kissinger told Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait on November 16 at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. "Unless there is some basis for some cooperative action, the world will slide into a catastrophe comparable to World War I."

Of course no one wants war of any type with China, but in a little over 14 minutes Kissinger managed to totally misinterpret Chinese history, support Beijing's most important foreign policy goal, and give deeply misguided advice to Joe Biden. Kissinger has evidently learned nothing from years of dangerous Chinese behavior, which is partly the result of his policy formulations.

We start with history, because Kissinger was once an accomplished historian and his incorrect opinions on China today appear to flow from his unsupportable views of the Chinese past. He makes the case that Americans cannot understand Beijing's insecurity.

"Americans have had a history of relatively uninterrupted success," he noted. "The Chinese have had a very long history of repeated crises. America has had the good fortune of...

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  1. Kissinger is about as important to politics as Al Gore. ( maybe less )

  2. I was watching a programme the other night and it went over Nixon's first forays into China. That is about when they began pushing China as the ruler of the 21st century on the covers of TIME magazine. I remember some of those old covers; I was just a kid and it meant little to me at the time.

    And here we are. Did you know that Maurice Strong was the son of one of the earliest leaders of communist China? Just threw that in. The Bankers have been working with and building up China for a long time. An Israeli helped set up Communist China.

    Kissinger should be retired. Period. He is also responsible for the creation of Klaus Schwab.


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  4. When is that rotten old bastard going to die? He has so much American blood on his hands going back 50 years, why listen to him now? F#ck China, the left elected another rotten old bastard that is so compromised to Chinese interests that if America is still standing in 4 years I'll be shocked. Fuck Biden, Fuck the Chinese, Fuck democrats. At least this election defined completely who our enemy's are, all democrats and they are inside the wire.

  5. When is that rotten old bastard going to die? He has so much American blood on his hands going back 50 years, why listen to him now? F#ck China, the left elected another rotten old bastard that is so compromised to Chinese interests that if America is still standing in 4 years I'll be shocked. Fuck Biden, Fuck the Chinese, Fuck democrats. At least this election defined completely who our enemy's are, all democrats and they are inside the wire.


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