90 Miles From Tyranny : Dem Run City Hits Highest Homicide Rate in Over a Decade After Council Votes to Defund Police By $150 Million

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dem Run City Hits Highest Homicide Rate in Over a Decade After Council Votes to Defund Police By $150 Million

Ill-informed social justice movements and progressive policy proposals have defined 2020.

Coronavirus lockdowns, universal mail-in voting and mask mandates were horrible ideas, but perhaps the worst social-justice-warrior proposal of all came in response to the neo-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement:

Defund the police.

In the wake of the May death of George Floyd, the Minneapolis man who died after an officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, BLM’s influence surged into mainstream America’s consciousness.

“Defund the police” then became one of the left’s favorite slogans.

Ultimately, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a Democrat, caved to progressive demands by cutting his police force’s budget by $150 million, and the City Council approved the cut in July by a vote of 12-2, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The LAPD will be down to just under 10,000 officers by next summer — a staffing level not seen in the city since 2008, the Times reported.

L.A. citizens now are paying for that funding decision with their lives.

Nearly five months after the budget cuts were announced, Los Angeles has reached 300 homicides for the year, marking the highest such number within the city since 2009, as reported by KABC-TV.

According to Police Chief Michel Moore, the budget cuts are directly affecting the department’s response to this year’s rampant uptick in violence, which he described as “a pandemic of ...

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