90 Miles From Tyranny : Document: Biden Administration Plans to Revoke Trump EO Banning Critical Race Theory Trainings in Government on Day 1

Monday, November 9, 2020

Document: Biden Administration Plans to Revoke Trump EO Banning Critical Race Theory Trainings in Government on Day 1

So much for uniting the country.

A new document indicates that Joe Biden plans to rescind President Donald Trump’s executive order banning racialist and divisive critical race theory trainings in government in the first days of his presidency, if he’s inaugurated.

The trainings have occurred in major federal agencies and departments, and employees are frequently coerced into participating. CRT trainings commonly accuse white Americans at large of being “racist,” within high-paid corporate “diversity consultants” such as Robin DeAngelo haranguing them for supposed complicity in what they say is “white supremacy.”

The document outlining Joe Biden’s slated list of planned executive orders was leaked from the Glover Park Group, a neoliberal establishment Democrat consulting company that is reportedly working hand-in-hand with Biden’s transition team.

The list of executive actions includes a multitude of other planned orders Biden or his campaign have alluded to before. Joe Biden has never addressed the divisive topic of critical race theory before, remaining silent in September when President Trump signed an order designed to prevent their use in the federal government or among private contractors utilized by the government.

“Rescind Trump EO suspending diversity training programs for federal employees and contractors” is featured as a bullet point under the “Race, Justice and Diversity” portion of the document.

Biden spoke of uniting the country when he claimed the presidency on...

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  1. Who gives a FLYING RAT'S FART What this decrepit old Senile Commie wants to do. We don't give a tinker's damn what his Hoe says EITHER!! That goes for either of them, Jill or Kamel's Smelly Harriazz. It's all just make believe. He IS NOT THE PRESIDENT ELECT! Not Yet, anyway. The Frigging Press aren't even in the line of decision for who becomes the President.

  2. Even seeing the words President and Biden together makes my tummy churn in absolute nausea. I just cannot even READ it without that reaction. It. Is. Just. Plain. Wrong.

    The media is so stirring things up with their crap, fools are celebrating, some truths will emerge. Then as always, when the damage is done, they might alter their words but, by then the general populace is totally confused ~ no one can figure much of anything out.


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