90 Miles From Tyranny : James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweets 'we did it!!!!' and shares anti-Trump posts after Biden's win - days after agreeing with CNN's Jake Tapper that Fox News should disavow Trump's election fraud claims

Monday, November 9, 2020

James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweets 'we did it!!!!' and shares anti-Trump posts after Biden's win - days after agreeing with CNN's Jake Tapper that Fox News should disavow Trump's election fraud claims

Kathryn Murdoch, 47, tweeted Saturday shortly after media prematurely declared Biden winner. The Murdoch's Own Fox News.

  • Kathryn Murdoch, 47, tweeted Saturday shortly after Biden was anointed by media
  • She also shared posts that referenced 'Trump's authoritarian antics'
  • On Election Day she wrote: 'What will you tell your children or your future self about the part you played in history?'
  • Her husband James Murdoch stepped down from News Corp board in July
  • Kathryn also agreed with a remark by CNN host Jake Tapper in an earlier tweet
  • Tapper said Murdochs must acknowledge there is no evidence of vote fraud
James Murdoch's wife Kathryn tweeted 'we did it!!!!' and shared anti-Trump posts after Joe Biden declared winner by media.

On Election Day she had written: 'What will you tell your children or your future self about the part you played in history?'

By Saturday she had also shared posts that referenced 'Trump's authoritarian antics' and 'surviving the gravest threat to our system of government since the Civil War'.

Kathryn, 47, had also voiced her agreement that her family, which owns Fox News, must 'put their country above their profits' and disavow President Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud.

Her husband James stepped down from the board of Fox News parent News Corp in July, citing disagreements with some of the company's editorial content.

Kathryn expressed the sentiment in a tweet on Friday, saying she agreed with CNN host Jake Tapper, who had stated: 'The Murdochs and the people at Fox have an obligation to put their country above their profits. It is very important that people make it very clear -- that there is no credible evidence of widespread fraud.'

'I agree with this,' Kathryn tweeted. Her remark came as little surprise given her history of public criticism of Fox News coverage, particularly on the topic of climate change, and her work with groups such as Unite America on bridging partisan divides.

Kathryn's latest comments came at a time when Fox News and other media outlets faced divisive questions over how to cover the...

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  1. I hope Rupert is happy that this gold digger is destroying his life’s work

  2. Did CNN or any of the other propaganda stations put profits aside for the good of the country? Of course not Trump is Bad and all his supporters are deplorable. All we heard was Russia for 4 years and we can’t wait 2 weeks for this to work its way in court. I thought they said it was going to take time and to be patient. They cheered Gore on for over a month. Oh ya it only works for them not the other way.

  3. Another rich bitch trying to tell us what to think and do. (spit)

  4. Holy Jesus! Judging how James looks it is probably likely his dad, Rupert, was banging his own sister. Aussie inbreeding .. ..what you do when sheep aren't handy.

  5. Holy Jesus! Judging how James looks it is probably likely his dad, Rupert, was banging his own sister. Aussie inbreeding .. ..what you do when sheep aren't handy.


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