90 Miles From Tyranny : Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to “Transform Japan Into a Diverse Multiethnic Society”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to “Transform Japan Into a Diverse Multiethnic Society”

Says he wants to give foreign residents the right to vote.

The Japanese foreign minister has announced a plan to “transform Japan into a diversified multiethnic society” by encouraging mass immigration and giving foreign residents the right to vote.

Toshimitsu Motegi is a politician for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and has served as the country’s Minister for Foreign Affairs since September 2019.

During a Q and A session, Motegi said his “national vision” meant “transforming Japan in the 21st century into a “diversified multiethnic society” by way of mass immigration from all over the world.

This would also be achieved by codifying English as the country’s second language and giving “suffrage to resident foreigners.”

Japan is 98.1 per cent ethnically Japanese, with the next most populous ethnicity being Chinese at just 0.5 per cent.

The country has an extremely low crime rate and terrorism is very rare. Back in 2017, at the height of the refugee crisis, it was revealed that Japan had refused 99% of refugees, having accepted just 28 in 2016.

Back in 2018, leftists in the U.S. began demanding that Japan embrace multiculturalism because a half-Japanese tennis player with a Haitian-American father won the US Open.

In an article entitled Japan Needs ‘Foreigner Blood’ Like Naomi Osaka’s, the Daily Beast’s Jake Adelstein acknowledged that limited immigration, ethnically homogenous Japan has a low crime rate and that shootings remain in the single digits every year, but claimed this is due to...

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  1. He has dishonored himself and is therefore required to commit seppuku.

  2. That will be a HUGE mistake.

    1. It will be a short mistake. While the Japanese follow rules, laws, and order. When push comes to shove, shoving occurs. And they will shove up as well as down, and sideways. I suspect, if he doesn't renege, rescind, and probably resign or seppuku, he will commit a rather gruesome other suicide. And everyone in his department, and up and down the line, who maintains his stance, will join him. It will be glorious.

  3. What poison this is. Until now Japan has protected itself from such pollution of the races; this will not end well.

    Absolutely ludicrous.

    I wonder if James Corbett will hang around!


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