90 Miles From Tyranny : Massie Makes A Massive Mark On Mealy Mouthed Malevolent Messengers...

Monday, November 30, 2020

Massie Makes A Massive Mark On Mealy Mouthed Malevolent Messengers...


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Who Is Massie?

"This Taste Of Socialism Is Dangerous"

Thomas Massie On The 9th Amendment To The Constitution:


  1. Actually, they should. Owning firearms is an actual right, voting is a privilege.

    I wish they would man up and allow just that. As well, conceal and open carry should not be anybody else's business, not even the states.

  2. Fuck FFLs. I should be able to buy a full auto machine gun in a hardware store with no paperwork other than a receipt. The NFA of 1934 started this gun control circus and every law since is unConstitutional.

    Oh MM, there's crazy people out there who would get their hands on these weapons. And your point? Why are my rights stolen because there's evil people? In fact it's all the more reason for shall not infringe not to mention protection from the greatest evil the world has ever known, the government.


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