90 Miles From Tyranny : Outrage As George Floyd Exhibit Is Opened At HOLOCAUST MUSEUM

Monday, November 23, 2020

Outrage As George Floyd Exhibit Is Opened At HOLOCAUST MUSEUM

Fentanyl overdose is serious, but this is ridiculous!

“Can someone explain why a Holocaust museum has an exhibit for anything other than the Holocaust?”

The Holocaust Museum in Florida has received backlash after announcing the opening of an exhibition concerning George Floyd, the man whose death in police custody sparked a resurgence of violent riots earlier this year.

Orlando 6 reports that “A new exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Maitland features powerful and inspiring photos taken in the wake of George Floyd’s death.”

“In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, we felt it was important to bring the meaning of the aftermath to our museum,” a statement on the museum’s website declares.

“Come face-to-face with stunning images and powerful words captured in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, at the scene, by renowned photographer and storyteller John Noltner,” it continues.

Assistant Executive Director of The Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida, Lisa Bachman, said in a statement: “You don’t just see this exhibit. You feel it.”

“The expressions and thoughts of each person photographed tells a story that has a very universal message. It is one that can heal and bring us together. It shows us we are not alone in our thinking,” Bachman added.

Observers wondered what on earth Floyd’s case has to do with the genocide of six million Jews at the hands of Nazis.


  1. Get used to this kind of shit if Biden is elected.

  2. As decades of Stupid Party (R) politicians have found, it's damned near impossible to fight the narrative. It doesn't matter what the medical examiner said (that he died of an overdose), the medical examiner is not to be trusted.

  3. He was "dead man walking" he just didn't know it.... the poor people that came into contact with that..... One has to ask, why would this individual be associated with the Holocaust....???????? We live in sad times, very, very sad times....

  4. Outrageous. But my outrage doesn't matter because privilege, don't you see. And the Myth of the Nobel Savage is well entrenched.

  5. Remember. When (((these folks))) say "Heal" what they really mean is HEEL!

    Victimhood pays. And (((these folks))) are all in on this racial divide.

  6. He died of a drug overdose.
    Too bad he can't die twice.


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