90 Miles From Tyranny : 3 Things I Found On Ancipient.com

Sunday, December 20, 2020

3 Things I Found On Ancipient.com

AncipientWhat is Ancipient.com? It Is A Pro-American (Nationalist), Pro-Trump, Pro-American Exceptionalism, And Pro-Western Values automated news aggregation website.

Ancipient.com is an automated, curated, rules based news aggregation website. If I wanted it to sound sexy, I could say it uses artificial intelligence to select news articles. It does not. It uses negative and positive keywords, data rules and curation to select news articles. When other news aggregaters have not updated any new news in hours, you can always depend on my trusty robot ancipient to work 24/7 to keep you updated.

Ancipient is a new word, it means:


  1. in an initial stage of understanding; beginning to understand or learn. "he could feel ancipient knowledge growing"
  2. (of a person) learning, and improving their understanding on a topic or topics.

Oh Yeah, The Links I Promised:

Christmas Shoppers Beware: Chinese Slave Labor Is on the Rise

DOJ charges Zoom employee for helping Chinese government shut down Tiananmen Square commemorations

Progressive Groups Push Biden to Tap Accused Iranian Lobbyist for Top National-Security Role

Take a look at Ancipient.com and check it out!

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