90 Miles From Tyranny : Trump Advisor Stephen Miller Touts Administration’s ‘Towering Legacy of Achievement’ That Will ‘Endure for Generations to Come’ in Farewell Note

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Trump Advisor Stephen Miller Touts Administration’s ‘Towering Legacy of Achievement’ That Will ‘Endure for Generations to Come’ in Farewell Note

Miller is a class act.

White House senior advisor Stephen Miller touted President Donald Trump’s “towering legacy of achievement” that he believes will “endure for generations to come” in a farewell note as the Trump administration comes to an end today.

Miller is refusing to budge even at a time when many of the President’s former allies in the Republican Party are throwing Trump under the bus. Miller remains a stalwart defender of Trump’s “America First” agenda that he helped to engineer working in the administration.

“As we conclude our four years together in this hallowed home, I join you in taking immense pride and profound satisfaction in all that we achieved for our country. Serving President Trump has been the honor and privilege of a lifetime,” Miller wrote.

“Every day, our fearless 45th president battled tirelessly to protect our citizens, preserve our heritage, defend our sovereignty, and deliver for the loyal, law-abiding, hardworking men and women of our country. His towering legacy of achievement will endure for generations to come – its impact only building and growing with each passing year,” he added.

Miller made it clear in his note to Trump supporters that the best is yet to come for the America First movement.

“The issues and principles we have been fighting for remain firmly center stage. I have no doubt we will very soon be fighting side-by-side together once more,” he wrote.

The full letter can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on the flak Miller has received for being one of the few administration officials to push Trump in a nationalist direction:

Read More HERE


  1. From the very beginning, but yet without his ability to perceive it, Trump surrounded himself with people whose sole motivations were to undermine and destroy him and our nation. Although it seems quite unbelievable that a man of his age and experience would possess so little wisdom in regards to those whom he gave positions of great influence, nonetheless, it is true that Trump handed the keys of the nation to those who regarded him with and still regard him with the greatest disdain known to anyone who has held the office of the president. Even though Trump was popular at the time, in early 2020 he eagerly abdicated his role and authority as president and was the first ever to suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights because of his naiveté in regards to the greatest medical hoax ever perpetrated upon the earth known as the “seasonal flu”. Hundreds of millions of Americans entered and remain in a nightmarish reality of Trump’s creation that has destroyed trillions of dollars of wealth and the sanctity of American lives and lifestyles. Undeniably, his personal demise and the permanent demise of our nation are solely and unequivocally Trump’s fault and responsibility.

    1. Trump did not shut down the country, the Governors did but, yes he got played. Right up to the end

    2. Trump did not shut down the country, the Governors did but, yes he got played. Right up to the end

  2. Stick the letter up your hole. He already undid most of trumps accomplishments in ONE DAY! Amazing how when trump tried it with Obama he was stopped by judges everywhere. Where the fuck are the judges WE put in?


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