90 Miles From Tyranny : Washington DC mayor, police chief curiously allowed no preparations for Trump rally

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Washington DC mayor, police chief curiously allowed no preparations for Trump rally

WASHINGTON, DC. Curiously, the Mayor of Washington DC explicitly rejected federal help before the Trump rally.

Similarly, Capitol Police chief Steven Sund had been told by his superiors to not call for timely backup by the National Guard.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Sund confirmed that he had asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the DC National Guard be placed on standby for the event in case backup was needed, but he said he had been turned down. According to Sund, his superiors had been uncomfortable with the “optics” of formally declaring an emergency ahead of Wednesday’s demonstration.

His superiors however do not have any problem with the current “optics” of an insurrection.

“If we would have had the National Guard we could have held them at bay longer, until more officers from our partner agencies could arrive,” he told the Post.

There was also a diversion of police forces with a pipe bomb placed near the Republican National Committee headquarters. This well-timed incident delayed the arrival of more police forces at the Capitol.

“There was definitely a higher sense of urgency” on police radio traffic even though Trump supporters had breached the east side of the Capitol, according to Ashan Benedict, the head of the Washington field office of the Bureau of...

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