90 Miles From Tyranny : Words, Definitions, Meanings Are All Now Just Tools Of The Fascist Dystopian State....

Monday, January 11, 2021

Words, Definitions, Meanings Are All Now Just Tools Of The Fascist Dystopian State....



  1. Don't vaccines "expose people to a virus"?
    "...threshold of vaccination...." right.

    So if one had chicken pox growing up, that's no good, they need to get the vaccine?

  2. I'm a veterinarian so have been following this aspect of the virus since things started. This right here should be criminal. They are literally cajoling the emotional retards into thinking the only way to achieve herd immunity is through vaccines. How f'ing duplicitous. I remember being asked by a left leaning individual if the vaccine is so safe, why hadn't Trump gotten it. When I tried to explain he's got immunity, they kept trying to quote online comments saying not true. I guess I blew 8 years of my life for the doctorate degree I received and should have just waited out the internet where I could have learned all I need to know without any formal teaching. I'm owed a refund.........right?

  3. That's not a definition; it's a sales brochure.


Test Word Verification