90 Miles From Tyranny : McDonald’s Executives Will Have Bonuses Cut if They Hire Too Many White Men for Top Positions

Sunday, February 21, 2021

McDonald’s Executives Will Have Bonuses Cut if They Hire Too Many White Men for Top Positions

Race and gender in hiring are two keys to financial success for top McDonald’s executives, according to the company as it sets its course for the future.

A press release on the McDonald’s website says that part of the bonuses awarded to top company executives will be based upon their efforts to hire women and what the company terms “historically underrepresented groups” for top corporate positions.

“Beginning in 2021, the Company is incorporating quantitative human capital management-related metrics to annual incentive compensation for its Executive Vice Presidents,” the company said.

“In addition to the Company’s financial performance, executives will be measured on their ability to champion our core values, improve representation within leadership roles for both women and historically underrepresented groups, and create a strong culture of inclusion within the Company,” the company said.
The company has clear goals. By the end of 2025, 35 percent of the people in jobs that are at the level of senior director and above will be from underrepresented groups. That metric was at 29 percent in 2020, according to...

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  1. Now a days the libs make it so easy to spot the stupid people.

  2. They had pretty fair coffee!

  3. You have criteria for hiring that is race and gender based?

    Sounds like a good business plan-NOT.


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