90 Miles From Tyranny : CORRUPT: WHO Investigator On CCP Payroll Blasts Bannon & Media For Asking Inconvenient Questions… Admits He Refused To Look At Wuhan Lab Data.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

CORRUPT: WHO Investigator On CCP Payroll Blasts Bannon & Media For Asking Inconvenient Questions… Admits He Refused To Look At Wuhan Lab Data.

World Health Organization COVID investigator Peter Daszak – who The National Pulse recently exposed as having financial links to the Chinese Communist Party – has revealed he was responsible for convincing fellow investigators that it wasn’t necessary to look into data wiped by the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In a stunning revelation during a panel discussion, Daszak disseminated wild conspiracy theories in an attempt to blame anyone except his financial benefactors the Chinese Communist Party for the continuing virus origin mystery.

Daszak bizarrely laid into War Room: Pandemic show host Stephen K. Bannon and The Epoch Times newspaper for creating what he called an environment whereby the Chinese Communist Party wouldn’t want to be transparent about COVID-19’s origins. Both entities have called for fuller investigations into the Wuhan lab, shunning the idea that the virus came from a wet market or a bat.

Daszak, however, continues to cover for his paymasters while holding a position at the World Health Organization.

He said, during his recent livestream:
“I’ve seen incredible efforts from everything from [religious sect] Falun Gong to the [Chinese dissident] Miles Guo camp, Steve Bannon’s group pushing the conspiracy theories around China. It’s useful to them. They’re funding it and pushing it and science has been to some extent caught up in that to other instances absolutely crushed by it. We’ve not had access to work in China on the origins for the last 12 months, which is ironic because we could have been on the ground there working with our Chinese colleagues and by now we could have found some really important answers. The rhetoric has held that up.”
The remarks follow a National Pulse report highlighting how Daszak collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for nearly two decades. He also speaks at Chinese state-run media conferences, and recently received “federal funding from China.”

Daszak even seemed to imply that he was personally responsible for convincing fellow World Health Organization (WHO) investigators that critical COVID-origin data recently erased by the Wuhan Institute of Virology was irrelevant.

Given Daszak’s past collaborations with the Wuhan-based institute, he felt he “basically knew what’s in those databases”:
“We did not ask to see the data. A lot of this work is work that has been conducted with EcoHealth Alliance. I’m also part of those data and we do basically know what’s in those databases … I got to talk with both sides about the work we’ve done with Wuhan Institute of Virology and explained what’s there.”
The databases in question contain information on at least 16,000 virus samples and were deleted in September 2019 – a move Daszak claims was due to the lab’s concerns over...

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