90 Miles From Tyranny : Oakland to Test Socialist Universal Basic Income Program - Racially Excludes White Families From Taking Part

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Oakland to Test Socialist Universal Basic Income Program - Racially Excludes White Families From Taking Part

The city of Oakland, California is launching a pilot universal basic income program for 600 low-income families this summer but is excluding poor White families from taking part.

The program is only for "Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)" who have "low incomes and at least 1 child under 18, regardless of documentation status," East County Today reports.

"The term 'family' is defined broadly to recognize that families come in all shapes and sizes," ECT noted.

From East County Today, "Mayor Schaaf Announces $500 a Month “Guaranteed Income” Pilot for Oakland Resilient Families":
Oakland will host one of the largest guaranteed income pilot projects in the country to give 600 BIPOC families with low-incomes an unconditional $500 per month for at least 18 months.

Oakland Resilient Families is a collaboration between the Oakland-based community organization Family Independence Initiative and the national Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. The project will support 600 Oakland families while building momentum for strategies to eliminate racial disparities in economic stability, mobility, and assets through a guaranteed income.

"The poverty we all witness today is not a personal failure, it is a systems failure," said Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. "Guaranteed income is one of the most promising tools for systems change, racial equity, and economic mobility we've seen in decades. I'm proud to work with such committed local partners to build a new system that can help undo centuries of economic and racial injustice, and point us all toward a more just society."

[...] "One of my hopes in testing out a guaranteed income is that other cities would follow suit, and I’m thrilled that Oakland is among the first. I applaud Mayor Schaaf's leadership and am looking forward to working with her to move from pilot to policy," said former Stockton Mayor and Founder of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, Michael Tubbs. "By focusing on BIPOC residents, the Oakland Resilient Families program will provide critical financial support to those hardest hit by systemic inequities, including the pandemic’s disproportionate toll on communities of color."
"Oakland Resilient Families is 100% funded through...

Read More HERE


  1. I lived in that area 30 years ago, and $500 per month was a joke then.

  2. ...and the "guilty white liberals" just keep voting for these racists cretins. Just can't fix stupid, they must wake up on their own.

  3. What’s we be getting with that first $500 ?
    Trayvon be gettin a pair of $500 Nikes and
    I be gettin some Purple Kush !

  4. Poverty is quite often a "personal failure". All that is needed to avoid living in poverty is to finish school, keep a full time job and avoid having kids until after marriage. Almost every family has had at least one generation that had to make the big sacrifice of working hard to benefit the NEXT generation.

    My wife's family had that with her parents when they came to the US as Vietnamese refugees with nothing but the clothing on their backs. The parents worked hard their entire lives to make sure that ALL of the kids got a USEFUL college degree.

    My family had that happen after my father's side arrived as Irish slaves and my father grew up in a single room home that his dad had modified from their old one-room schoolhouse after it was sold. They were so privileged that the home didn't even get electricity until the mid 1980s or indoor running water until the mid 1990s.

    If no one wants to ever give up their "lifestyle" of doing the bare minimum so that they can "enjoy life", NO ONE else will have any benefit later. Almost all of these people that they complain about having all of these unfair advantages have that slight advantage because some ancestor made a huge sacrifice for them.

  5. Welcome to life in South Africa.

  6. By doing this, Kamala is endorsing discrimination based on race. This means we ALL can legally racially discriminate because of the example set by the Vice President.


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