90 Miles From Tyranny : Study Finds 90% of COVID-19 Deaths Are in Countries With Mass Obesity

Friday, March 5, 2021

Study Finds 90% of COVID-19 Deaths Are in Countries With Mass Obesity

What?? So It's Not Systemic Racism???

The obesity pandemic may be driving the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new study from the World Obesity Federation.

From Fox News, "Study finds link between coronavirus mortality risk and obesity":
[World Obesity Federation] researchers found "high mortality rates only in countries where overweight prevalence exceeds around 50% of the adult population."

"Globally, at the end of 2020, COVID-19 mortality rates were more than ten times higher in countries where overweight prevalence exceeds 50% of adults (weighted average 66.8 deaths per 100,000 adults) compared with countries where overweight prevalence is below 50% of adults (weighted average of 4.5 deaths per 100,000 adults)," the World Obesity [Federation] wrote.

The researchers claimed that a country's wealth, reporting capacity, elderly population, and other factors could not explain the link between COVID-19 and obesity.

The United States has one of the highest obesity rates in the world, increasing from 30.5% to 42.4% of the population in the last 18 years, according to the CDC. The United States also has the 9th highest COVID-19 death rate in the world at 158.43 deaths per 100,000 people, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The CDC notes that obesity may triple the risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19, as it causes impaired immune function and can decrease lung capacity.
When the corona-panic first took off back in February 2020 it presented the greatest public health opportunity in decades.

Most everyone was in a panicked, highly suggestible state and were hungry for information on how to help themselves.

Imagine if the government told everyone to lose weight, exercise, eat healthy and make sure you're getting enough vitamin D as Dr. Ron Paul was recommending.

Instead, the government told everyone to lock themselves in their homes, "social distance" and wear cotton masks (after first telling everyone not to wear masks).

They shut down our entire society (excluding globalist megacorps) for over a year straight, banned doctors for telling people to take vitamin D or hydroxychloriquine (both of which were eventually found to be effective in multiple studies) and told everyone to...

Read More HERE


  1. According to the Portland (Oregon) Willamette Week, higher rates of covid among African-Americans are due solely to systemic racism, not their higher prevalence of obesity.

    The Willamette Week is an authoritative source on this, because they have a writer who specializes in identifying systemic racism everywhere she looks.

  2. Almost zero obesity in Vietnam. Everyone is stick skinny. And young. Almost no Covid either. And everyone lives on anti-malaria meds. How about that? Oh, and they were hit hard by SARS some years ago, so there might still be a lot of immunity to that very similar virus.

    This study shows a dramatic shift in mortality when the BMI hits 25. 25 is not even overweight, it's normal. 5'9" guy, 170lb is BMI 25. BMI does not account for body build, like big bones or muscles.

    Many people do not know that your body wants to squirrel away vitamin D in your fat cells, and doesn't want to let it go. So overweight people need to get quite a bit more D for a longer time to reach optimal blood levels. Even with added magnesium, which can halve the amount you need, fatties still need more D3. Every day. So there's that. Not to mention the risks that obesity places on the rest of your body.

  3. PS, if you look at document, https://www.worldobesityday.org/assets/downloads/COVID-19-and-Obesity-The-2021-Atlas.pdf, at the world maps on pg 28 that compare obesity with Covid deaths, you can easily spot the countries that don't line up with their conclusions - Africa, South America, Australia all have more obesity but a lower death rate than expected. Golly, these are the countries that are using Ivermectin.

    1. Exactly!
      The Ivermectin/Zinc/Doxycycline protocol has sent India's infection rate to the cellar.

      Pay attention to the current number of active cases.
      Here's why.

  4. Sometimes I'm halfway through writing a comment here and the page reloads, losing my words. Arrggh.

    Thanks for the links, they are very insightful. The Uttar Pradesh protocol principia mentions is twice the dosage and 3 times the frequency of other protocols, but IVM is very dosage tolerant and a bit more may do the job better and faster. The important thing is that it gets used; we can debate the perfect dose later.

  5. It was interesting to see that the Australian NPSMedicineWise site mentioned the RCT from Bangladesh by Chowdhury, in which a half dosage IVM plan was equal to the full dosage HCQ plan. This may be why most other IVM protocols suggest giving it every 3-4 days for about 3 doses total. If you dig, you can find a couple studies that showed that HCQ and IVM can work together, cutting hospital time by over a day. I don't recall if patient symptoms reduced any faster though.

  6. What they don't discuss is cause and affect. Perhaps people that live the lifestyle and have the attitude that being obese is ok, are also the people more prone to "suffering" from the Rona in the first place. After practicing (Veterinary) medicine for 30 years one thing I think I've learned from some of the human medical stuff is that attitude and psychology plays a huge role in overall health (dogs and cats unfortunately don't have that capability. So if you fear the virus, think that if you get it your gonna die, well then, you'll probably "will" yourself into that happening. I suspect most obese people are weak willed/minded. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

  7. In other news, the number of American women having nice hair, breasts, and slenderness has shrunken to an all-time low.

    Single American men probably have as much chance of dying of coronavirus than meeting one. They have a terribly high chance of marrying a woman with a figure such as 41-48-90.


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