90 Miles From Tyranny : Two Black Girls Murder Uber Driver in Broad Daylight, Walk Past His Body to Look for Cellphone

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Two Black Girls Murder Uber Driver in Broad Daylight, Walk Past His Body to Look for Cellphone

Two African American teenage girls have been charged with felony murder after killing an Uber driver in DC during an armed carjacking.

Instead of fleeing the scene, the girls were caught on camera calmly looking for their cellphone inside the vehicle right next to the victim’s dead body.

The girls are only 13 and 15 years old

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Their Pakistani victim, Mohammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, was driving for Uber Eats when the girls attempted to steal his car and tased him.

The horrific scene was caught on camera by a witness.

Warning, the video is extremely graphic and disturbing:

The incident took place on Tuesday and murder charges were announced on Wednesday.

“We are devastated by this tragic news and our hearts go out to Mohammad’s family during this difficult time,” an Uber spokesperson said, according to affiliate WTOP. “We’re grateful the suspects have been arrested and...

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  1. At least it was one of their own.

    1. The victim was an immigrant from Pakistan, working an extra job to make it in the US. He lived in Virginia but made the mistake of delivering food to someone in DC.

    2. And black people complain that they can't get taxi drivers to pick them up late at night.

  2. This is such a brutal crime and it involves two young girls killing a guy. I wonder what it will take for some influential member of the black community to stand up and lead their community to stop this madness. As soon as this person does stand up, he/she will be crucified by the white racist media as Uncle Tom's and traitors to "their people" but it is well past time to say enough is enough.

  3. Remember your English Composition 101. A good writer tries to avoid redundant wordiness. "Two Black Girls Murder Uber Driver," could have simply been written as "Two Girls Murder Uber Eats Driver." See how much tighter that is? The readers would always understand that the girls were black.

    When I heard about the Virginia Beach shooting yesterday, I noticed that there was no information about the shooter. I mentioned online in places that the fact that the information was withheld was a clear indication of the shooter's race. Bingo! Nailed it!

  4. Terminate...with extreme prejudice.


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