90 Miles From Tyranny : What You Shouldn’t Forget About China:

Sunday, March 28, 2021

What You Shouldn’t Forget About China:

China, the Peoples Republic, is on the move. We all know that. We also know that due to Biden relatives’ dealings with President-for-life Xi, our new Administration, helmed by Joe Biden, is severely compromised and flatfooted with respect to prudent interaction with the populous monolith. Morally. Financially. Even categorically.

But is that all we need be concerned with? There are other, undiscussed but highly relevant, variables impacting on our delicate- balance dealings with the PRC.

We are correctly concerned with the official threat presented by a newly assertive Communist China, especially under the lifetime stewardship/despotic regime of Xi JinPing, in for life.

The Chinese Navy, in a population of better than 1.4 billion people, give or take, is now acknowledged as formidable by military leaders such as our State Department and such former military as four-star General Jack M. Keane, former Vice Chief of Staff of the US Army. A no-nonsense former paratrooper and formidable company commander, Keane knows whereof he speaks when he addresses threats in the Pacific theatre.

Those paying attention to the juggernaut of the Peoples Republic, especially under the auspices of Xi and the significant feebleness of the new White House under a severely compromised chief executive, should be mindful of the dangerous imbalance.

Increasing evidences of cognitive frailty and perhaps advancing dementia has not escaped notice by Xi and those around him in the power tier of the fully armed nation west of the rising sun, east of an increasingly self-absorbed EU. Adding to our exposure is the significantly anemic appetite shown by this current White House and its behind-the-strings ‘handlers’ for a renewed arms race.

Indeed, the current slew of Obama retreads seem more than satisfied to concern themselves more with linguistic niceties and pronoun embargoes than with foreign entanglements, national defense or refurbishment in the presence of blatant adversary.

Actions taken by the prior administration, that of Donald J. Trump, to re-arm and update our tattered military after President Barack Obama were laudable but have been met with near-reversals almost heedlessly self-destructive by Trump’s successor, Joe Biden. The reversals effected by almost stunning executive orders of frenetic delusional suddenness and ill-advisedness have been noted by our enemies. One humiliating result is the recent Alaskan Summit where our...

Read more: HERE

1 comment:

  1. What else you should consider? They are demographically imploding at a rate only Russia and Japan can near. They have, perhaps, fifteen years before they simply aren't relevant.


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