90 Miles From Tyranny : Fraternal Order Of Police Blasts LeBron James For ‘Gaslighting’ Attack On Cop Who Saved Black Girl From Stabbing Assault

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Fraternal Order Of Police Blasts LeBron James For ‘Gaslighting’ Attack On Cop Who Saved Black Girl From Stabbing Assault

The National Fraternal Order of Police condemned LeBron James for using his influence to call for an attack on the police officer who shot and killed a teenage girl wielding a knife to save the life of another black girl.

“@KingJames, with his vast resources & influence, should educate himself and, frankly, has a responsibility to do so, on the facts before weighing in. This is disgraceful & extremely reckless,” the FOP wrote on Twitter. “The officer saved a young girl’s life. No amount of gaslighting will change that fact.”

In a now-deleted tweet, the famous NBA player posted a picture of the alleged Columbus officer involved in the fatal shooting captioned with the words “YOU’RE NEXT” and “#ACCOUNTABILITY.” James removed the post but it still received more than 6,000 retweets in the short amount of time it circulated Twitter.

The White House, aided by the corporate media, also spun the incident to claim without evidence that the officer who shot the black teenage girl was motivated by racism.

“She was a child,” the White House wrote in a Wednesday statement on the shooting. “We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino people and communities and that black women and girls, like black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence.”

Bodycam footage of the Tuesday shooting that occurred shortly after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty in George Floyd’s death, however, shows Ma’Khia Bryant, believed to be 15 or 16, charging two people with a knife. As she moved towards another black girl, the police officer called for everyone to get down and then...

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  1. " “We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino people..."

    When 12% of the US population is responsible for 70% of the crime statistics, this can happen.

    The "white house" needs to STFU and stop inserting themselves in this stuff.

  2. Surprised BLM hasn't called for renaming of the people's house from White ('privilege', 'supremacy', 'power' - insert whatever lame shit adjective here) House to something more in keeping with their f'd up Marxist BS. Oh, and this turd LeBra James, and the NBA in general, are part of the problem creating racism out of thin air.

  3. Abolish the police = Wild West 2.0?
    I'll pick the well-yet-responsibly-armed-stands-up-to-pee crowd on that one.

  4. Abolish the police = Wild West 2.0?
    I'll pick the well-yet-responsibly-armed-stands-up-to-pee crowd on that one.

  5. Make LeBron the Marshall and defund the popo. He can sort it out.

  6. Where's the accountability for what that asshat LeBron tweeted? He gets to just delete his post and pretend he didn't do it? F that. Hold that miserable SOB accountable.


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