90 Miles From Tyranny : George Floyd Autonomous Zone Issues ‘Rules For White People’

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

George Floyd Autonomous Zone Issues ‘Rules For White People’

Area begins to resemble a religious cult encampment

The ‘George Floyd Autonomous Zone’ in Minneapolis has issued a list of ‘rules for white people’ that they have to abide by in order to enter the area.

The zone has popped up around the area that Floyd died and has come to resemble something akin to a religious cult encampment.

Apparently, baptisms, miracles and other spiritual events can be witnessed on a regular basis.

However, entering the area as a white person comes with potential risks if you make the mistake of behaving in a “problematic” manner.

All visitors are asked to wear face masks and act with “humility,” but a lengthier list of rules for white people explains how they will be treated differently.

Whites are asked to “decenter yourself,” which is a euphemism for a mandate to behave like second class citizens and keep quiet.

“Be mindful of whether your volume, pace and movements are supporting or undermining your efforts to decenter yourself,” states the advisory.

The patronizing tone continues with a demand to “contribute to the energy of the space, rather than drain it.”

The rules also state that white people should seriously consider whether taking photos is appropriate and to seek consent from anyone they photograph, despite the whole area being public.

The rules also encourage whites to intervene if they “witness white folks doing problematic things,” which presumably includes doing anything other than engaging in slavish worship for the 21st century deity that is...

Read more HERE


  1. No thanks. You can keep your "black autonomous zones" all to yourselves. Then they can become just like all of the other... SLUMS... you've set up around the country. You know; like HARLEM!

  2. Floyd took his last breath at the hospital. The racist Left cannot even put up a sign without hateful lies in it.

  3. i heard that the " Dave Matthews Band" is back out on tour. Perhaps they can do a drive through and pop the cap on the shitter of the tour bus like they did on that bridge a few years ago.


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