90 Miles From Tyranny : REVEALED: Why Biden Couldn’t Discipline John Kerry For Briefing Iranian Terror Chiefs Even If He Wanted To.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

REVEALED: Why Biden Couldn’t Discipline John Kerry For Briefing Iranian Terror Chiefs Even If He Wanted To.

The Biden White House has been steadfastly silent on leaked tapes revealing that Climate Czar John Kerry swapped secrets about Israeli military operations with Iranian officials. It seems the former Secretary of State is getting off scot-free for briefing a country designated by the U.S. government as a state sponsor of terror.

The tapes should play out to be a major international scandal, even constituting grounds for Kerry’s termination, as Iran’s Foreign Minister divulges that Kerry “informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times.”

But when pressed on the matter, Press Secretary Jen Psaki didn’t even sputter a promise to “circle back,” instead sternly responding with “we’re not going to comment on leaked tapes.” And three days into the scandal, mum’s still the word.

So why the silence?

Biden and Kerry are long time buddies, to be sure. But Kerry has “insurance” when it comes to his freedom within the Biden regime, and it leads back via another leaked tape: the one from Hunter Biden’s hard drive.

The tape, published exclusively by The National Pulse, reveals the president’s son boasting about being “in business” with foreign adversaries including the “f*cking spy chief of China.” The confession, along with countless emails, text messages, and financial transactions, cast Hunter Biden as a repeat offender when it comes to corruption, foreign collusion, and compromise.

And who had a front-row seat to all these blackmail-prone business dealings?

John Kerry’s stepson, Christopher Heinz.

The billionaire heir co-founded Rosemont Capital, an international private equity firm anchored by Heinz family cash, with Hunter Biden in 2009. And the multi-billion-dollar firm had offshoots including Rosemont Seneca Partners, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and even Rosemont Realty. The Managing Director of the firm was none other than Heinz’s Yale roommate, Devon Archer.

And unsurprisingly, these names are as commonplace on Hunter Biden’s hard drive as the lewd images, drugs, and prostitutes. Wherever this trio went, corruption followed and foreign cash flowed.

In addition to leveraging family member’s political connections for high-paying domestic contracts and consulting gigs, Rosemont Seneca Partners also joined the infamous BHR Partners investment fund.

This $1.5 billion deal – birthed less than two weeks after Hunter Biden accompanied his father on a trip to China – had already come under scrutiny, as it was underwritten and controlled by Chinese Communist Party-run banks and officials. And Rosemont Realty suffered a similar fate. In 2015, a Chinese military-linked company acquired a...

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