90 Miles From Tyranny : TOTALITARIANISM: The FBI Just Raided Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

TOTALITARIANISM: The FBI Just Raided Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment

The New York Times is reporting that the FBI just raided Rudy Giuliani’s apartment. The reason? The law enforcement agency was looking for electronic equipment.

“Federal investigators in Manhattan executed a search warrant on Wednesday at the Upper East Side apartment of Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who became President Donald J. Trump’s personal lawyer, stepping up a criminal investigation into Mr. Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine, three people with knowledge of the matter said,” the Times reported.

“One of the people said the investigators had seized Mr. Giuliani’s electronic devices,” the Times added.
This would be an unprecedented escalation of the Department of Justice’s persecution of political enemies of the Biden administration.

“The United States Attorney’s office in Manhattan and the F.B.I. had for months sought to secure a search warrant for Mr. Giuliani’s phones,” the Times noted, adding, “Spokesmen for the F.B.I. and the U.S. attorney’s office declined to comment.

Rudy Giuliani was at the forefront of the effort to secure Hunter Biden’s laptop. The FBI’s execution of a search warrant against Giuliani reeks of...

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  1. FBI now switching G's laptops with Hunter's and Wiener's.

    1. Nope, the KGB, er, I mean FBI didn't even want the Hunter hard drive. I'll give it a week for them to manufacture, er, I mean find incriminating evidence that G colluded with Ukraine and China.

    2. No, No, not this corrupt government.... Can't be. They just keep poking the bear.


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