90 Miles From Tyranny : U.S. Govt-Funded Radio Free Asia, Citing Anonymous Sources, Claims China 'Torturing' Christians to Renounce Faith

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

U.S. Govt-Funded Radio Free Asia, Citing Anonymous Sources, Claims China 'Torturing' Christians to Renounce Faith

The US government, which is persecuting Christians in America for opposing the ruling class' fringe LGBT ideology, is putting out atrocity propaganda through Radio Free Asia citing anonymous sources to claim China is "torturing" Christians to get them to renounce their faith.

Ben Shapiro's The Daily Wire shared a summary of the report uncritically on Monday.
From The Daily Wire, "China Is Detaining Christians In Secret Facilities Forcing Them To Renounce Their Faith Or Be Tortured: Report":

The Chinese Communist Party is reportedly detaining Christians in secret facilities and forcing them to renounce their faith or face being tortured for months.

"A member of a Christian 'house church' in the southwestern province of Sichuan who asked to be identified by a pseudonym Li Yuese said he was held in a facility run by the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s United Front Work Department, working in tandem with the state security police, for 10 months after a raid on his church in 2018," Radio Free Asia reported. "Another Christian who asked to remain anonymous told RFA that similar facilities are being used across China, not just for Protestants, but also for members of the underground Catholic church, and of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement, a target of authorities since 1999."

Radio Free Asia is a non-profit broadcasting corporation funded through the U.S. Agency for Global Media, an independent federal government agency.

The communists reportedly focus mostly on targeting "house churches" that are not members of the CCP-backed Three-Self Patriotic Association, which teaches people a CCP-approved version of Christianity because it views Christianity as a national security threat.

"It was a mobile facility, that could just set up in some basement somewhere. It was staffed by people from several different government departments," Li said. "It had its own (CCP) political and legal affairs committee working group, and they mainly target Christians who are members of house churches."

"They use really underhand[ed] methods," Li continued. "They threaten, insult and intimidate you. These were United Front officials, men, women, sometimes unidentified, usually in plain clothes. The police turn a blind eye to this. You have to accept the statement they prepare for you. If you refuse, you will be seen as having a bad attitude and they will keep you in detention and keep on beating you."

Li said that the basement that he was kept in was in a secret location where he could not see outside and lost all concept of time. He also said that he tried to hurt himself and thought of suicide often because he said that it would have been better than what he was...

Read more HERE

1 comment:

  1. China's secrets are coming out. No one listens; no one cares. Why not? Because they are all scrambling to deal with their own survival challenges. Don't expect things to improve; China is a predator and smells weakness in leadership; look at things up here in Canada for example.


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