90 Miles From Tyranny : Who Is Running The Biden Administration??

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Who Is Running The Biden Administration??

Whoever It Is, They Do Not Believe That America Needs To Stay Strong To Protect The Free World...

Does the Free World Even Exist Anymore?


  1. Fake news.
    You need a pic of Soros and other globalists pulling the strings of the halfrican former president.

    1. No, it's Shih and the boys in the Forbidden City.

  2. There are numerous people pulling strings and directing what happens in the District Of Criminality.....Obozo the SCOAMF is NOT ONE OF THEM. He's just another puppet doing exactly what he's told. The ONLY difference between Obozo and Pedo Joe is Joe is demented and hasn't a clue what he's doing.....BathHouse Barry DOES know what he's been doing....and why.


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