90 Miles From Tyranny : 12 Easily-Debunked Leftist Lies

Sunday, May 23, 2021

12 Easily-Debunked Leftist Lies

If Americans look the other way and allow lies to fester, they will be used to further the radical leftist agenda.

Americans must strive to debunk lies the second they are uttered. If left unchecked, lies are always used to justify tyrannical policies. The below non-exhaustive list of factual statements should be used by Americans to counter lies told everyday by left-wing politicians and their radical allies.

1.) Trump supporters are not attacking Asian-Americans

Joe Biden signed a bill into law this week that promotes the false premise that the coronavirus has something to do with attacks on Asian-Americans. There is zero data available for public scrutiny that so-called “hate crimes” against Asian-Americans have gone up at all.

The two main sources of the false narrative is the Maoist-leaning group “Stop AAPI Hate” and the laughably biased Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, housed at California State University, San Bernardino. Neither of these sources provide evidence to support their slanderous claims, yet the groups are both used to justify massive infusions of tax-payer money into leftist organizations and biased police trainings.

2.) NRA members do not conduct mass shootings

The National Rifle Association has nothing to do with mass shootings. In fact, groups like the NRA protect and empower citizens by training them in the proper use of firearms. There is zero evidence that those conducting mass shootings are NRA members or are remotely influenced by the NRA or similar groups.

It is quite likely that the left attacks the NRA because their members are more likely to engage in politics than non-members. The vast majority of NRA members are Republicans. Politically active Republicans threaten Democrat rule.

One rule of thumb is that leftists are motivated by power. If Americans are empowered to protect themselves, they are less likely to be dependent on the government. As author Trevor Loudon states, “Leftists are not against guns, they are against you having guns.” Disarming citizens will not protect them. The Second Amendment has no qualifiers.

3.) January 6th was not an “armed insurrection”

Thoughtful people concede that there were bad apples stirring up patriots on January 6th. But the vast majority of those who entered the Capitol building – often through doors opened by Capitol police – wandered in, took selfies and wandered out. The only shot fired on January 6th was the one that resulted in the death of an unarmed, decorated female veteran named Ashli Babbitt.

It is far more likely that Trump supporters were set up on January 6th to deflect from rampant, premeditated voter fraud. The biggest indicator that the events at the Capitol were contrived to paint a narrative is the vast suppression of details surrounding that day.

Watch a clip of Fox News Host Tucker Carlson and actual journalist Julie Kelly discussing unanswered questions from January 6th:

4.) Police are not murdering black people in a racist rage

Considering that there are 375 million interactions police have with criminals every year, it is amazing more people are not killed. The vast majority of Black Lives Matter martyrs are criminals resisting arrest. There is zero evidence of a systemic racial motivation in police-involved deaths.

The lie is promoted by leftist politicians and their allies to vilify those who protect Americans and have every right to defend themselves from criminals.

5.) White supremacy is not a problem

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