90 Miles From Tyranny : Biden clears way for Russian pipeline after blocking Keystone Pipeline in US

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Biden clears way for Russian pipeline after blocking Keystone Pipeline in US

The Nord Stream 2 deal will transfer Russian gas to Germany via a pipeline running under the Baltic Sea

The Biden administration will waive sanctions on the corporation and CEO overseeing the Nordsteam 2 pipeline construction, a source familiar tells Fox Business.

But at the same time, the State Department is expected to send its 90-day report to Congress listing entities involved in the pipeline’s construction that deserve sanctions. The State Department will acknowledge that the corporate entity in charge of the project, Nord Stream 2 AG and its CEO, the Putin crony and former East German intelligence officer Matthias Warnig, are engaged in sanctionable activity, according to Axios, which first reported the news.

The Nord Stream 2 deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime will transfer Russian gas to Germany via a pipeline running under the Baltic Sea. If completed, this new pipeline would double the amount of natural gas Russia transports directly to Europe and hand an enormous geopolitical victory to Vladimir Putin.

In December, Congress passed legislation — the National Defense Authorization Act — that contained sanctions targeting companies and individuals involved in the Nord Stream 2 project.

Another source familiar with the issue tells Fox Business this conclusion had been hinted at weeks ago and that it signals the U.S. is not willing to sacrifice its close relationship with Germany over the pipeline. In February, Biden also froze former President Trump’s plan to withdraw American troops from Germany.

But on his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline at home in the U.S.

Still, a State Department spokesperson condemned the pipeline and said others who are involved risk sanctions.

"The Biden Administration has been clear that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a Russian geopolitical project that threatens European energy security and that of Ukraine and eastern flank NATO Allies and...

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  1. Geez.....I wonder if Hunter got an extra large paycheck for this?

  2. He and the deep state are destroying our nation, I ask God how much longer will the wicked rule?.


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