90 Miles From Tyranny : Five Oregon Counties Vote to Secede and Join Idaho

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Five Oregon Counties Vote to Secede and Join Idaho

Five rural Oregon counties voted on Tuesday to secede from the state of Oregon and join the state of Idaho.

The Idaho Statesman reported:
Thousands of people in eastern Oregon voted Tuesday for their elected officials to consider ditching their state and becoming part of Idaho.

Voters in Sherman, Lake, Grant, Baker and Malheur counties all voted for ballot measures that would lead to them becoming Idahoans. People in Union and Jefferson counties had already voted in favor during the November election. . .

The vote is only the first step of the “Greater Idaho” project, which would allow some Oregon counties to join a state that advocates say more closely aligns with their political preferences.

Breitbart News reported in April that a political action committee and a new 501 c 4 non profit group are driving efforts that will allow rural counties in Oregon to join Idaho:

Move Oregon’s Border is a Political Action Committee formed in 2019 that focuses on Oregon ballot initiatives. In March, Move Oregon’s Border founder Michael McCarter announced the establishment of a 501 c 4, Citizens for Greater Idaho, which will focus “on Idaho, Oregon, and beyond, to support the vision of Move Oregon’s Border.” . . .

Petitions gathered by Move Oregon’s Border have forced the placement of ballot initiatives to change the border between Oregon and Idaho for consideration by voters in nine Oregon counties.

Ballot initiatives to change the border between Oregon and Idaho have already been voted on in four Oregon counties. Two counties (Union and Jefferson) voted in favor of moving the border in November, while two additional counties (Douglas and Wallowa) voted against changing the border.

On May 18, the ballot initiative to change the border between Oregon and Idaho will be voted on in five additional counties: Baker, Lake, Grant, Malheur, and Sherman.

“Move Oregon’s Border continues to collect signatures in seven other counties where no vote has occurred yet: Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath, Harney, Morrow, and Umatilla counties,” the group’s website states.
Move Oregon’s Border founder and president of Citizens for Greater Idaho Mike McCarter said in a statement released on the group’s website on Wednesday:

Read More HERE


  1. Why not succeed and become Western Idaho as a separate state?

  2. Oh no, if they leave, who will do all the work and pay taxes to the Democrat parts?

  3. Oregon, Idaho, and the Feds would all have to approve the switch, so I don't expect this to go anywhere. State borders aren't going to change absent a new war, unfortunately.

  4. this is actually our greatest hope at the moment. it will trigger a domino effect of realignment and turn the US more into a EU, ironically, while the EU tries to become more like the US. Basically, state rights and realignment can save the US - again, ironic - or provide the pathway for whatever comes next.


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