90 Miles From Tyranny : Marxist Lives Matter

Monday, May 31, 2021

Marxist Lives Matter

In a free society, the ‘Oppressed’ are the Oppressors.
The Left organizes around oppression. Oppression is a negative and the movement is defined around defining negative phenomena and organizing against them. It’s an outrage machine that depends on finding enough of those negatives to justify its own rise to political power.

But as it gains power, the amount of oppression ought to decrease. And accordingly the Left’s power also ought to decrease in proportion since it has no positive vision only a negative one. Instead, paradoxically, the more power the Left gains, the worse the oppression becomes.

Not only does the general state of things get worse, but every specific area where it claims to be making progress somehow becomes much worse than it was before. After Obama took office, race relations took a dive as the country somehow became more racist during a black president. Last year, every Democrat city was denounced as an outpost of systemic racism where black people were being hunted by the police for sport. That’s when women aren’t being hunted down on some of the most progressive and diverse college campuses and industries in the country.

The nation’s woke corporations are oppressing workers and destroying the planet. The woke governments are imposing systemic racism in between critical race theory struggle sessions. American foreign policy, under one of the most leftist administrations in history, is an imperialist war machine when it isn’t flying BLM flags and advertising for...

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  1. Correction: The left organizes around excuses to grab power.

  2. She has it right, he will never get it. They don't take care of their own, so they can't matter. From abortion to gun violence to their politics, they murder their own in droves. And kill themselves with drugs and other things at numbers which would concern any other group of people. If a people doesn't honestly matter to it's own, it can't matter to any other people.


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