90 Miles From Tyranny : New GMU diversity hiring practice encourages selecting for skin color over qualifications

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

New GMU diversity hiring practice encourages selecting for skin color over qualifications

George Mason University sets candidate diversity equivalent with professional achievement

George Mason University is redefining its hiring practices to make candidate diversity equivalent with professional experience.

President Greogory Washington said in a recent email “we need a more comprehensive framework for what constitutes ‘best’” in hiring faculty and staff.

He said in his April 15 email that his explanation came in response to concerns that college hiring must reflect achievement and preferring minorities would be illegal.

“If you have two candidates who are both ‘above the bar’ in terms of requirements for a position, but one adds to your diversity and the other does not, then why couldn’t that candidate be better, even if that candidate may not have better credentials than the other candidate,” Washington wrote.

Washington further argued that the faculty at GMU do not proportionally represent the ethnicities of the student body or...

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  1. Wasn't this college Walter E Williams alma mater? He's spinning in his grave.

  2. Im old enough to remember Barry calling it 'Race To The Top'.


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