90 Miles From Tyranny : Politifact Forced to Pull ‘Fact-Check’ That “Debunked” Lab Leak Origin of COVID

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Politifact Forced to Pull ‘Fact-Check’ That “Debunked” Lab Leak Origin of COVID

More proof ‘fact checks’ are designed to protect the establishment.

Politifact has been forced to pull a ‘fact check’ that claimed it had “debunked” the lab leak origin theory of COVID-19 after more prominent voices suggested the explanation was a reasonable possibility.

The original ‘fact check’ was entitled ‘Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab’ and was rated “pants on fire,” meaning that the lab leak theory was completely untrue.

However, the entry has now been updated with an editor’s note which basically reverses the judgment.

“Editor’s note, May 17, 2021: When this fact-check was first published in September 2020, PolitiFact’s sources included researchers who asserted the SARS-CoV-2 virus could not have been manipulated. That assertion is now more widely disputed. For that reason, we are removing this fact-check from our database pending a more thorough review. Currently, we consider the claim to be unsupported by evidence and in dispute. The original fact-check in its entirety is preserved below for transparency and archival purposes. Read our May 2021 report for more on the origins of the virus that causes COVID-19.”

As we highlighted yesterday, even Biden’s own CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admits it’s a “possibility” the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an opinion more than shared by her predecessor Robert Redfield, who told CNN in March that it was the “most likely” explanation.

Numerous other credible individuals and scientific groups have also asserted that the lab leak is the most likely source and demanded the...

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