90 Miles From Tyranny : Soros Funding Pedophile Love Stories Written By Convicted Child Molesters

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Soros Funding Pedophile Love Stories Written By Convicted Child Molesters

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is funding a series of prison romance tales written by convicted pedophiles that present child molesters in a sympathetic light and feature “love stories” involving adult men and small boys.

Pedophiles are attempting to rebrand themselves as “MAPs” or “Minor Attracted Persons” in an effort to normalize pedophilia and gain acceptance in mainstream America by being included as part of the expanding LGBT+ community umbrella, and George Soros and his foundation have now joined the ranks of an international network of liberal activists determined to normalize pedophilia and decriminalize sex with children in the western world.

The “MAP/NOMAP community” tries to pull at people’s heartstrings by claiming that pedophiles are misunderstood marginalized people, and that as long as their attraction to children is not acted upon — or in some cases when they get permission from the child — that they should not be villainized.

The first Soros-funded article — My Gay Prison Gang Fights Neo-Nazis — is designed to pull at people’s heartstrings and recounts the apparently true story of a prisoner who sees Nazis beating up child molesters – or “Chomos” as they are referred to – as a joining ceremony for the Aryans.

The author says how he would ignore this violence as he himself was a large man who faced no such danger. His tale then becomes a romance when he meets a “beautiful small boy” named Peter who was also facing child sex abuse charges.

Ultimately, Peter dies through prison violence, and this is where the author decides:

“When one person is persecuted or abused, and there is something I can do about it, especially if that person is my gay or trans brother or sister, it is my problem.”

Dennis Mintun, the author of the article, is currently serving 45 years in Idaho State Correctional Institution for three counts of sexual abuse on children under the age of 16. If only someone with his sentiments for protecting the abused was around while he himself was abusing children.

The Soros Connection

Read More HERE


  1. This is just sick fascist/commie shit.

  2. In a Just Society Pedophilia would carry the death penalty.


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